6. Selected Reading List

Bertin-Guest, Josiane. 2003. Chinese Embroidery: Traditional Techniques. London: Batsford.

Chen, Juanjuan (陳娟娟). 2005. Essays on Chinese Woven and Embroidered Costumes
中國織繡服飾論集 (Zhongguo zhi xiu fushi lunji). Beijing: Zijincheng Chubanshe.

Chung, Youngyang. 2005. Silken Threads: A History of Embroidery in China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam. New York: Harry N. Abrams.

Kuhn, Dieter (ed.). 2012. Chinese Silks. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Pu, Wengying (朴文英). 2009. Silk Tapestry 緙絲 (kesi). Suzhou: Soochow University Press.

Shan, Guoqiang (單國強). 2005. Embroidered Pictures: The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum 織繡書畫:故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集 (Zhixiu shuhua: Gugong bowuyuan zang wenwu zhenpin quanji). Hong Kong: The Commercial Press.

Vainker, Shelagh. 2004. Chinese Silk: A Cultural History. London: The British Museum Press.

Watt, James C.Y., Wardwell, Anne E. and Rossabi, Morris. 1997. When Silk Was Gold: Central Asian and Chinese Textiles. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Zhao, Feng, Long, Bo and Shang, Gang. 2014. Ancient Chinese Material Culture: Textiles 中國古代物質文化史.紡織 (Zhongguo gudai wuzhi wenhuashi. Fangzhi). Beijing: Kaiming chubanshe.

Zong, Fengying (宗鳳英). 2005. Textiles and Embroideries in the Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清織繡 (Mingqing zhixiu). Hong Kong: The Commercial Press.